DetainEMR FeaturesImproving communication, accessibility to records, and security of patient data. DetainEMR Features Include: DEMOGRAPHICSDetailed patient information MENTAL HEALTHMany of useful forms for Mental Health specialist MISC DOCUMENTSAdditional documents for patient MARDetailed patient information VITALSTemp, Pulse, Respiratoryand more PROGRESS NOTESElectronic, narrative,and dental LABS/X-RayAll labs data will be stored inone location PROBLEM LISTPre-existing problem list records CHRONIC CLINICPrevious chronic problems WORKFLOWSCorrectional specificworkflows MEDICAL HISTORYMedical History,TB results, Immunization records, etc REPORTINGAdvanced Reporting and Analytics Get started with DetainEMR today. Request A FREE Demo